Bakir Ali; The Man and Vision Behind Brandians’ Success

Bakir Ali is the co-founder and CEO of Brandians, a very successful marketing agency based in Karachi, Pakistan. At the age of only 26, Mr. Bakir Ali is a successful businessman and mentor to many of his subordinates. He founded Brandians agency in 2016, and now the company is behind the creative social media pages and attires of many renown brands in Pakistan and abroad. With an eye out for creative details and aesthetics that a creative agency must be well-equipped with, Bakir Ali revealed what has made him and his organization so enriched in a recent interview with DotCom Magazine.

When asked about Brandians agency’s ‘elevator pitch’, Mr. Bakir Ali replied that the organization focuses on what the customer wants, and aspires to make “clients’ imagination into a successful reality”. Mr. Bakir Ali’s empire, his marketing agency, consists of teams of very skilled employees including developers, graphic designers, copy writers, social media managers and marketers.

The host of DotCom Magazine’s Leader Round Table E-Series asked, “What is the one thing that makes Brandians great?” According to Mr. Bakir Ali, the most beneficial factor that makes Brandians a great organization is the affordability of their services by providing their best work in competitive and minimum prices.

When asked about the “key to being a good entrepreneur”, Mr. Bakir Ali expressed that self-confidence is a key factor that outcasts all other factors. He stated, Without this (self-confidence), a person becomes a demoralized and resentful human, and without these elements, success is never achievable.

He also advised the youth and other young business-minded people to “stop believing that you need to invest thousands to earn a hundred”. He further elaborated,

With dedication, talent, and hard work, you can achieve everything ever wanted.

Mr. Bakir Ali is a rather friendly person when it comes to team management. The interviewer asked him, “What is the one thing that you, as a person, want to be known for?”

He responded that this is the impression he wants to make: being an easy-going person. He wants to be known as a friend, not a boss so that every team member feels closely connected to the organization, benefitting the organization and themselves alike.

During the interview conducted by DotCom Magazine, Mr. Bakir Ali made some very important remarks about the importance of maintaining a business rather than starting it.

He stated, “I believe that it is important to ditch the idea that once you have built an empire and hired people to work for you, then your work is done.”

That led to the host’s next question: “When hiring employees, what is the one most important thing you look for?”To which, Mr. Bakir Ali answered, “I look out for people who have passion for their work” and defined Brandians’ preference to hire people who work not only for a living, but to do what they love.

Mr. Bakir Ali gave a very enriching response to “What makes you get out of bed every morning?” He emphasized that every day may go around differently, but every morning his purpose to follow throughout the day is ‘to serve’. That applies not only for his organizational activities, but also “serving humanity through my little deeds.”

The interview concluded with Mr. Bakir Ali giving credit to his team when the host asked what one thing makes a company great, and emphasized.

“A company that has a team comprised of individuals that share a mutual purpose of providing clients with satisfactory results, even in the struggling days, make a great company.”

The last question of the interview was, “What one thing makes a great leader?” to which he advised that “Always think of yourself as a learner”. This has great significance for leaders specially because thinking that one knows everything stops him from learning, and stops him from growing. With these tips from this young CEO of Brandians, many leaders and businessmen can set their directions right to climb up the ladder of success.

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