Difference between Branding and Marketing?

Once you plan to establish your business, you might get exposed to certain marketing vocabulary which might create confusion in your mind, which can be hard to fetch the difference between them. Branding vs Marketing is the usual question asked by most of the customers who are stepping into the business ground.

We will break down these two terminologies to understand the brief concept which they carry.

Before we differentiate between the two, let’s understand what they stand for:


What is Branding?

Branding is all about who you are as a Brand. It Includes factors including your mission statement, your core principles, and your values, what makes you different and unique from your competitors.

Displaying the criteria include, your logo which plays a major role in defining your identity, your social presence which may include your website, social networks, and the strategy you will initiate to get your customer’s attention.

Difference between Branding and Marketing?


Types of Branding

Seven types of branding are mostly used

  • Product Branding
  • Corporate Branding
  • Service Branding
  • Personal Branding
  • Geographic Branding
  • Cultural Branding
  • Retail Branding


What is Marketing?

Marketing on the other hand are the tactics, strategies you adopt by utilizing certain tools to promote your brand. Marketing keeps on evolving depending on your product. Consider marketing as protocols you develop to interact with your customers and get them to purchase your product or services.


Types of Marketing

Marketing can be performed differently through several mediums depending on where your target audience resides. Marketing can be performed on both online and offline mediums.

Some types of widely used marketing strategies are,

  1. Business to business (B2B) marketing
  2. Business to consumer (B2C) marketing

Commonly used marketing types include Business to consumer marketing, which is holding further diversions, let’s overview a few of them.

  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Pay Per Click Marketing
  • SEO
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Television
  • Radio
  • Print Campaigns


Difference Between Branding and Marketing

So finally, we got the essence of what branding and marketing are actually about, let’s understand the difference between them.



Considering the priority between the two, branding is executed first before you proceed towards the marketing process. You need a brand before you initiate the marketing process.

Your brand should define who you are, what problems you are solving for your customers, what are you providing them which is useful, how you stand out from your competition.

Your brand is the foundation on which your customers turn into your loyal family, coming back for it again and again.

While marketing is the steps you take to get your customers’ attention.

If your branding is right, but your marketing is done wrong, your business will be a flop, in the same way, if your branding is not appealing and your marketing is great, you might get sales but eventually they might lose interest in your product if you are not implementing new innovative ways and ideas to stay in the game.



Both segments include strategies, branding strategy can be the implementation of your logo, website, other resources you require to establish your presence which revolves around representing what your brand is all about.

A marketing strategy can include the processes you adopt to make advertising campaigns for your social mediums utilizing tools to boost, implementing hierarchies that get customer attention.

Marketing strategies may get obsolete but branding stays forever.


Grabbing and keeping Attention

Marketing plays an important role in highlighting your product to your customers and getting their attention. Marketing helps you to reach your customers by letting them know about your product.

Meanwhile, branding holds on to that attention once it’s established. Consider an example of a Fast-Food Restaurant, you promote your business through marketing strategies creating an image of your brand and defining your brand identity to your audience and after that, you launch a new Triple Decker Zinger, which is served with a special sauce which will hold your customer’s attention.


Sales and Sale Magnet

Marketing is the main source to get your sales, through different ways including SEO, Social Media Marketing, Pay Per Click, etc. Which helps you to derive sales. The results can be mild-blowing if you are doing it right.

Branding plays its role as a magnet for sales which means it continues to provide you the sales from your existing customers, due to innovative and excellent design.


Over to you

Now that you have understood what’s the major difference between the two, it’s a must to understand their importance. Marketing can get you sales but branding helps you to maintain the graphs and even uplift them.

Considering the Digital marketing agency who offers such services is one of the best options you and aim for, which portray your business personality exactly how it’s supposed to be, from the designing stage to the promotional state.

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